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</ref> Soon after, '''Charter''' decided to open an opposing party, the '''SwagBalls Booru Party''' (<b style="color:#ff0000">SBBP</b>), yet realizing that their similarities made them closer than their differences could ever break them apart, the parties merged, forming the '''SwagBalls Sharty Booru Party''' (<b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b>).  
</ref> Soon after, '''Charter''' decided to open an opposing party, the '''SwagBalls Booru Party''' (<b style="color:#ff0000">SBBP</b>), yet realizing that their similarities made them closer than their differences could ever break them apart, the parties merged, forming the '''SwagBalls Sharty Booru Party''' (<b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b>).  
[[File:SSBPLogo.png|left|thumb|The party logo of the <b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b>, designed by '''Koknese'''.]]
[[File:SSBPLogo.png|left|thumb|The party logo of the <b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b>, designed by '''Koknese'''.]]
Vowing to fight against perceived injustice placed on the server by the new, unpopular rules, the <b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b> posted a political manifesto,<ref> '''Koknese''' (March 8, 2024): [ JOIN SSBP, FIGHT FOR SSBP!] ''69SwagBalls420 Cord'' '''#🤬-ssbp'''.</ref> intending on spreading the message of fighting for the right to, among others, say KYS ironically<ref group=note>Fighting a ban imposed by rule '''2.5''' </ref> and gamble again, in addition to making the '''#admin-family-guy-roleplay''' public. While radical members have been found responsible for hate crimes against '''Homestuckers''', against whom there has been a growing sentiment, the activities of the <b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b> did not help them recruit new members, and although their membership count remained stable, the movement was expected to fade into obscurity.
Vowing to fight against perceived injustice placed on the server by the new, unpopular rules, the <b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b> posted a political manifesto,<ref> '''Koknese''' (March 8, 2024): [ JOIN SSBP, FIGHT FOR SSBP!] ''69SwagBalls420 Cord'' '''#🤬-ssbp'''.</ref> intending on spreading the message of fighting for the right to, among others, say KYS ironically<ref group=note>Fighting a ban imposed by rule '''2.5'''.</ref> and gamble again, in addition to making the '''#admin-family-guy-roleplay''' public. While radical members have been found responsible for hate crimes against '''Homestuckers''', against whom there has been a growing sentiment, the activities of the <b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b> did not help them recruit new members, and although their membership count remained stable, the movement was expected to fade into obscurity.

==== Dissolution of Parliament ====
==== Dissolution of Parliament ====
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While the radicalism of the <b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b> did not appeal to every voter, opposition against the '''Party''' grew when '''Chauka''' decided to open her own political party. Christened the '''Democratic Party of SwagBalls''' (<b style="color:#660080">DPoS</b>), the name was soon changed to the '''SwagBalls Democratic Party''' (<b style="color:#660080">SDP</b>) with the release of its manifesto,<ref>'''Chauka''' (March 12, 2024): [ the basic beliefs of the <b style="color:#660080">SDP</b> are ones of freedom of expression while retaining an enjoyable experience] ''69SwagBalls420 Cord'' '''#😺-sdp-↓↓↓'''.</ref> calling for the democratization of server rule, the opening of a political channel, and loosening of the word filter to allow for free '''Homestuck''' expression, as the party strictly condemned discrimination.
While the radicalism of the <b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b> did not appeal to every voter, opposition against the '''Party''' grew when '''Chauka''' decided to open her own political party. Christened the '''Democratic Party of SwagBalls''' (<b style="color:#660080">DPoS</b>), the name was soon changed to the '''SwagBalls Democratic Party''' (<b style="color:#660080">SDP</b>) with the release of its manifesto,<ref>'''Chauka''' (March 12, 2024): [ the basic beliefs of the <b style="color:#660080">SDP</b> are ones of freedom of expression while retaining an enjoyable experience] ''69SwagBalls420 Cord'' '''#😺-sdp-↓↓↓'''.</ref> calling for the democratization of server rule, the opening of a political channel, and loosening of the word filter to allow for free '''Homestuck''' expression, as the party strictly condemned discrimination.
[[File:TBPWIFSLogo.png|left|thumb|131x131px|The party logo of <b style="color:#00CC99">TBPWIFS</b>, designed by '''Shitmaster LarKcuavian'''.]]
[[File:TBPWIFSLogo.png|left|thumb|131x131px|The party logo of <b style="color:#00CC99">TBPWIFS</b>, designed by '''Shitmaster LarKcuavian'''.]]
The <b style="color:#660080">SDP</b> was soon joined by '''The Best Party, Which I Fully Support''' (<b style="color:#00CC99">TBPWIFS</b>), led by '''Shitmaster LarKcuavian OKctavio De Willis Gimblejrad Gungdimyr Flemtoto The 603st''', claiming to be the one true prophet of '''girard''', who believed that the true problem that had befallen '''SwagCord''' was amount of '''swag giving''' that was happening lately, as clearly ironic speech was stifled by it being taken seriously. In a list of demands, <b style="color:#00CC99">TBPWIFS</b> called for a crackdown on seriousposting and loosening of the anti-harassment rules, believing them to be overbroad, while wishing to place tighter restrictions on '''Homestuckers'''. Initially promising to ban minors from the server, he retracted it from the list of demands after finding no good way to implement it.<ref> '''Shitmaster LarKcuavian''' (March 13, 2024): "Decided to remove the anti-minor part of the demands, as I can't find a good way to implement that" ''69SwagBalls420 Cord'' '''#👁-tbpwifs''' </ref>
The <b style="color:#660080">SDP</b> was soon joined by '''The Best Party, Which I Fully Support''' (<b style="color:#00CC99">TBPWIFS</b>), led by '''Shitmaster LarKcuavian OKctavio De Willis Gimblejrad Gungdimyr Flemtoto The 603st''', claiming to be the one true prophet of '''girard''', who believed that the true problem that had befallen '''SwagCord''' was amount of '''swag giving''' that was happening lately, as clearly ironic speech was stifled by it being taken seriously. In a list of demands, <b style="color:#00CC99">TBPWIFS</b> called for a crackdown on seriousposting and loosening of the anti-harassment rules, believing them to be overbroad, while wishing to place tighter restrictions on '''Homestuckers'''. Initially promising to ban minors from the server, he retracted it from the list of demands after finding no good way to implement it.<ref> '''Shitmaster LarKcuavian''' (March 13, 2024): "Decided to remove the anti-minor part of the demands, as I can't find a good way to implement that" ''69SwagBalls420 Cord'' '''#👁-tbpwifs'''.</ref>

The '''Party''', realizing that there was no stopping the rising discontent, made the decision to dissolve '''Parliament''', announcing the first democratic elections in '''SwagBalls''' history.<ref> '''Walter''' (March 13, 2024): "The Party has officially dissolved the People's Parliament and has announced that elections will be held on Sunday, March 17. Televised debates between the highest-polling candidates will occur on March 14 and March 16. Long live SwagCord! Long live the Party! Long live Big Brother!" ''69SwagBalls420 Cord'' '''#❗-announcements'''. </ref> Set to be held on '''March 17''', they would be preceded by two debates between the candidates.
The '''Party''', realizing that there was no stopping the rising discontent, made the decision to dissolve '''Parliament''', announcing the first democratic elections in '''SwagBalls''' history.<ref> '''Walter''' (March 13, 2024): "The Party has officially dissolved the People's Parliament and has announced that elections will be held on Sunday, March 17. Televised debates between the highest-polling candidates will occur on March 14 and March 16. Long live SwagCord! Long live the Party! Long live Big Brother!" ''69SwagBalls420 Cord'' '''#❗-announcements'''. </ref> Set to be held on '''March 17''', they would be preceded by two debates between the candidates.
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==== Snowball Effect ====
==== Snowball Effect ====
==== The First Debate ====
==== The First Debate ====
The first debate of the March 2024 election cycle was held on '''March 14''', at '''20:20 GMT'''. Going into the debates without any front-running candidate, the <b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b>, the <b style="color:#660080">SDP</b> and the <b style="color:#DDDD00">LPDF</b>, having formed the <b style="color:#FFC000">SSU</b> coalition ('''SwagBalls Shartyist Union'''), soon renamed to the <b style="color:#FFC000">LSSU</b> ('''Lininist SwagBalls Shartyist Union'''), minutes prior to the debate,<ref> "@Walter the ssbp, the sdp, and the lpdf have officially merged into the SSU (swagballs shartyist union)" ''69SwagBalls420 Cord'' '''#⭐-patriot-chat'''. </ref> instead of picking a candidate internally, decided to have all of their candidates on stage for the night to have the voter decide instead. '''Chauka''' dropped out of the race, throwing her support for the newly formed union.
Moderated by the politically fair and unbiased '''Decoherence''', the debate featured '''Big Brother (Walter)''', the incumbent leader running for election, <b style="color:#FFC000">LSSU</b> candidates '''Koknese''', '''Charter''' and '''Lin''', leading the opposition, as well as '''Shitminister LarKcuavian''', slowly rising in the polls. Other candidates were invited but were unable to join. After technical problems at the beginning were resolved by always glorious '''Big Brother''', whereby every candidate was allowed to speak at the same time, candidates were given questions to be answered one at a time.
Asked about what his opinion was on the '''Homestuck''' issue, '''Koknese''' stood against the issue but stated that it should be resolved through democratic means, personally wishing to implement a [,_don%27t_tell don't ask, don't tell] policy and segregate them into their own channel. With '''Koknese''' firmly standing in support for '''Homestucker''' segregation, calling it "morally correct"<ref>'''Koknese''' (March 14, 2024), in response to "Do you think segregation is wrong?": <br>
"no it is morally correct <br>
depending on who you segregate" ''69SwagBalls420 Cord'' '''#🤓-debate-channel'''.</ref>
, '''Lin''', the leader of the <b style="color:#DDDD00">LPDF</b>, split off from the <b style="color:#FFC000">LSSU</b> minutes into the debate after hearing the answer, standing firmly pro-'''Homestuck'''. '''Charter''', claiming that the <b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b> had been bastardized by '''Koknese''''s radical beliefs<ref>'''Charter''' (March 14, 2024): "[...] i’ve been making consistent effort to convey my political endeavors and move toward something equitable for all people, koknese has been holding me back with his radical beliefs. i honestly wanted to kick him out for a while. this is what the SSBP was created to be. not what koknese bastardized it into" ''69SwagBalls420 Cord'' '''#🤓-debate-channel'''.</ref> left the coalition as well. The <b style="color:#FFC000">LSSU</b> coalition completely fell apart within 10 minutes of the debate starting.
'''Yeetmaster''', an <b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b> member who was believed not to be able to attend, joined the debate after the coalition had already fully collapsed, already not having been part of the coalition talks, communicating through a 7-year-old tablet. Disregarding a minor incident where an old man wandered onto the debate stage, the debate continued. '''Koknese''' further called for "lynching" server members by democratic vote, wishing to implement a '''Chudledsky™ Score''' system, intended to keep track of chuddery and allow for server members themselves to pit users after guilt was determined. With the first debate proving itself to be a disaster for the <b style="color:#FFC000">LSSU</b>, '''Walter''', when asked which of the other candidates he supported most, threw his support behind '''Shitmaster LarKcuavian'''.
==== Post-Debate Fallout ====
Widely believed to be one of the worst campaign blunders in the history of elections, the <b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b> never fully recovered from the political fallout birthed from '''Koknese''''s anti-'''Homestuck''' comments. While most of the former <b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b> electorate had switched to the newly formed <b style="color:#FFC000">LSSU</b>, without the <b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b>, statements in support of segregation and lynching led to the consolidation of the radical wing of the party, which stayed firmly in support of '''Koknese''''s policies. While '''Koknese''' has claimed that there was a word mix-up due to English being his second language, believing to be a complete synonym for "execution", without knowledge of the term's [ racist past], the radical beliefs of the <b style="color:#ff0000">SSBP</b> continued to turn off voters.
==== The Second Debate ====
==== The Second Debate ====
==== Opinion Polls ====
==== Opinion Polls ====
[[File:SBElectionPollingMarch2024.png|center|thumb|536x536px|An approximation of party support over time leading up to the elections. The popularity of the '''LSSU''' coalition is shown separately from its constituent parties, showing the combined popularity of the union.]]
[[File:SBElectionPollingMarch2024.png|center|thumb|536x536px|An approximation of party support over time leading up to the elections. The popularity of the <b style="color:#FFC000">LSSU</b> coalition is shown separately from its constituent parties, showing the combined popularity of the union.]]
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| rowspan="2" style="background:#E7E6E6" | 1
| rowspan="2" style="background:#E7E6E6" | 1
| colspan="2" style="background:#FFC000" | '''9'''<ref group="note">Including '''Charter''', who ran as a non-partisan representative of the '''LSSU'''.</ref>
| colspan="2" style="background:#FFC000" | '''9'''<ref group="note">Including '''Charter''', who ran as a non-partisan representative of the <b style="color:#FFC000">LSSU</b>.</ref>
| rowspan="3" | March 15
| rowspan="3" | March 15