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=== The Exile of Bufner ===
=== The Exile of Bufner ===
If anyone could be described as the odd one out in the '''MoeLester family''', it was Bufner. Whether it was the all-but-forgotten '''Happy Wheels Coup''' or the random opening of channels no one would use (sometimes they would be used for another purpose entirely), it was almost as if he was always living in a world separate from ours, doing as he pleased, without much regard for whether the other members would even care about his activities.

On December 20, '''Bufner''' left the server and hasn't been contacted by any '''Moederator''' since.
On December 20, '''Bufner''' left the server and hasn't been contacted by any '''Moederator''' since.
=== An Odd Fellow ===
=== An Odd Fellow ===

Revision as of 00:55, 23 July 2023

Notice: this article is under construction and only here temporarily, once completed it will be transferred to its proper page.
Server info
Status Archived
Users50+ at its peak
FoundedApril 3, 2022
DefunctMarch 30th, 2023

69MoeLester420 was a small Discord server dedicated to the shitposting subreddit r/69MoeLester420. It closed on March 30, 2023, after it merging with the 69SwagBalls420 Discord server. Despite its small size, numbering barely 50 members at its peak, the culture of this server has proven influential over its much larger successor. Some of the server's drama was resolved or buried and some of it has risen up to plague the new server. May the tumultuous history of 69MoeLester420 serve as a cautionary tale.



69MoeLester420 was created for the subreddit of the same name on April 3, 2022. The server was opened during r/place, at the initiative of WalterWhiteOnReddit and Max5923 to co-ordinate the construction of a monument to the subreddit on the r/place canvas. Several Moederators joined during this initial frenzy of activity, their esteemed names being:

  • Mr. Sex
  • SlenderSmurf
  • Mendev
  • Gladiux

Some of these people would soon fade into obscurity. Others will forever remain part of the 69MoeLester420 mythos. The server link was soon posted to the subreddit and ordinary members decided to join.[1] As is the nature with servers like these, people join, only to drift away after a while, yet one person in particular, an individual known only as Deez, remained an active member of the server until its very end, despite, by his own admission, never having heard of the subreddit before joining. Godspeed, Deez.

A picture of a section of the r/place 2022 canvas. It depicts a Garfield head on a blue backdrop.
The emblem of 69MoeLester420 as it appeared on the r/place canvas.

Early History

As the event soon concluded, the Moederators decided to keep using the server, having found it much more convenient than modmail. For a time the server remained relatively inactive, with a few shitposts being shared daily without much discussion in between, perhaps lasting a dozen messages before falling back into silence. They say hindsight is 20/20 and many things that were simply ignored at the time, or forgotten entirely, took on a more sinister aspect when gazed back upon. The fact that Gladiux was quick to insult anything he didn't find funny was one of these. At the time it seemed unremarkable, as he merely expressed thoughts shared by the other Moederators, but looking back, it seems to foreshadow the events that would transpire almost a year later.

On April 4, Bufner joined the server.

On May 22, Gio249, another subreddit mod and a friend of Gladiux, joined the server.

The Renaissance Era

On May 23, Better Call Saul Presents: Slippin' Jimmy was released on AMC+.[2] The Breaking Bad community went wild. Having been released so close to the season 6 finale of Better Call Saul, Slippin' Jimmy was seen as a personal insult by fans of Breaking Bad; a clear cash-grab meant to capitalize on the success of its sister show. It was Family Guy for kids, with none other than Saul Goodman as its face.

So thought the uneducated masses, unable to think critically about what they watch. But the show did not fly under 69MoeLester420's radar, as the intellectuals of the server were able to see the genius of Slippin' Jimmy. The intelligentsia of the server responsed with their own stunning commentary on the show: on June 4, Pickle Jimmy was released into the world.

On the very same day, lightning would be bottled once more, as emojis were added to the server. Trollface came first, suggested by none other than Deez, but it was soon trumped by the world-famous Trollbama, courtesy of r/trollbama, a subreddit once moderated by Mr. Sex, now entrusted to WalterWhiteOnReddit. As inconceivable as it may seem that comedy gold would be struck twice in a single day, the third strike was the real kicker, a combination of the two worth more than the sum of its parts; the :picklejimmy: emoji. After such a success, the entire comedy industry went out of business, knowing that nothing would ever surpass the achievements of that fateful day.

In the days that followed, the server became active once more, with actual conversations taking place between image posts, creating an environment almost as lively as the server was the day it opened.

On June 20, koonsbmw joined the server.

On July 31, Max5923 suggests making an Automoderator response under every post containing the server link. Up to that point, new members could only join by following the link on a subreddit post, leading to a low member count during its first few months. While nothing was initially done to follow through with the suggestion, it was repeated so many times that it was finally implemented.


Contrary to popular belief, the r/69MoeLester420 subreddit was not opened by Moe himself. The user KittenStomper6617 was responsible for the creation and early growth of the community. Kittenstomper was permabanned from Reddit (When?) and not much is known about his activity following that ban, as he was not a member of the server.

Contact was lost with KittenStomper6617 until August 2, when WalterWhiteOnReddit noticed a peculiar comment under a post on r/69MoeLester420. (A screenshot or transcript of the comment should be added here.)

The reaction was primal and instantaneous - the idea that the owner of the subreddit had returned after so many months in exile was exhilarating, it almost seemed too good to be true. An entire evening was spent in blissful ignorance, with the new CatKicker6617 receiving the treatment of a returning Messiah, until another message was received, dashing the collective hopes of the MoeLester community; a reply under one of CatKicker6617's comments which contained a link to a comment in the subreddit r/TrueSTL, a subreddit that KittenStomper6617 used to frequent. The link led to an edited comment of KittenStomper6617's, calling CatKicker6617 out as an imposter. The joy created by KittenStomper6617's prodigal return soon faded.

Moments later, the second realization hit.

KittenStomper6617 was still active and editing his comments! The alt account with which KittenStomper6617 contacted the Moederators was banned only hours later. Although KittenStomper6617 was gone, hope remained.

On December 3, Ivan697 joined the server.

The Dark Ages

On December 6 the server link was added as an automoderator response to every post to r/69MoeLester420. Previously the majority of the conversations on the server were held almost exclusively by the mod team, with the notable exceptions of Deez and Norman the Mormon. The automod response resulted in a sudden influx of new users who started to participate in the server. Given the sheer brilliance of the early posts, it was no surprise that the server took a major downturn in quality.

This period, despite its negative impact on the overall state of the server, allows for the history of MoeLester to be divided into two parts; the first, in which the server was nothing more than a glorified group chat for the Moederators, and the second, in which the server truly became part of the community at large. Although the first few days were rough, the public invite would prove to be a blessing in disguise, in time revealing many issues present in the server and the mod team.

The Departure of Max

Max5923 was here from the very beginning of the server, having been its creator and main coordinator during the r/place conquest. It may sound incredibly unusual, then, that his presence was barely felt by the other members of the server. As he was online quite rarely, it proved incredibly impractical to grant mod permissions to the other moederators once they joined, as it would always require the presence of Max5923. To combat this issue, a special role, meant for giving away to the new mods, was created. This, however, complicated things, as it meant some of the mods would have one role, and some the other. Overall, having two roles, which were of slightly different colors as well, made the server look uglier than it needed to be and made things confusing when they didn't need to be. It was clear this could not last.

With such a low amount of activity, and having plans of taking a break from social media, it was no surprise that Max5923 decided to leave the server behind as well. Although remaining a mostly inactive member, he decided to abdicate his position of Owner and granted full ownership of the server to Mr. Sex. As a final action before giving away ownership, another role, named moewner, was created, meant to be given to the most trusted members of the mod team, with permission to mod any newcomers, while not being able to give away the moewner role itself, that duty delegated only to the Owner. Although it seemed like a good idea at the time, this action established a strict hierarchy in the mod team, giving full permissions to a select few and giving them more power than to anyone else. And once the moewner role was given to someone, it could not be removed without the direct involvement of the Owner.

Having left the position of Owner, Max5923 had little business surrounding the server, only posting a few messages every few weeks before fading into the darkness once again. Although nothing has been heard from him in months, his influence in the growth of the MoeLester mythos should not be understated. An incredible group of people got together and still remains as one a full year later. While we don't see you anymore, on behalf of the entire mod team I thank you for creating this server. Godspeed, Max5923.

The Exile of Bufner

If anyone could be described as the odd one out in the MoeLester family, it was Bufner. Whether it was the all-but-forgotten Happy Wheels Coup or the random opening of channels no one would use (sometimes they would be used for another purpose entirely), it was almost as if he was always living in a world separate from ours, doing as he pleased, without much regard for whether the other members would even care about his activities.

On December 20, Bufner left the server and hasn't been contacted by any Moederator since.

An Odd Fellow

The message containing the grand reveal. Notice the red ban message implying that the user was KittenStomper6617.
Reality starts to settle in.
The realization hits.

On December 17, a new user joined the server, one of many, their presence barely registered by the mods. After a few messages, done in furry speak, in one of them seemingly recognizing koonsbmw as the furry moderator from the subreddit, the user went silent for the most part, before starting to engage in conversations once again on December 31. The user showed an interest in the Moederators, first striking up a conversation with Mr. Sex, before going on to greet Walter, professing love to both of them, as though the mods knew who this user was, instead of them being a complete stranger.

Although the user was quiet for the most part, they radiated generally wholesome energy whenever they were there, and their presence was generally appreciated. Such behavior was quite unusual in shitposting servers, yet it was still a nice break from the usual negativity that was by default present in these spaces. Either way, they were much better than most of the new server members, not much needed to be said beyond that.

The conversations on the server continued, as though nothing was out of the ordinary, I mean, such conversations are relatively normal in an ironic context, which the server most definitely provided. The fact that someone cared this much about the moderators was strange, most Reddit users don't give a swag about who their moderators are for the most part, yet even so, the occurrence wasn't weird enough for it to really stick in the minds of the mods. A special look at the user was only taken on January 3, when Mr. Sex shared the news of yet another KittenStomper6617 alt account being banned from Reddit.

All it took was but a single message.

It all suddenly clicked.

And the server went wild.

KittenStomper6617 was back, and back for good.

The Swag Alliance

On January 8, r/LesbianInsectBrothel was banned from Reddit.[3] A sudden influx of gore videos hit the subreddit, as the mods, inactive accounts that haven't logged into the website in weeks, did nothing to stop it. Seeing such a huge subreddit being purged by Reddit, as a response to a situation no one could have predicted, made the moderators of other similar shitposting communities reconsider their approach to moderating, with new harsher, stricter methods being implemented all across the website. r/69MoeLester420 was no exception.

The Moederators, in their eternal wisdom, already figured out a system that was about to be implemented which would be able to deal with the exact problem the shitposting community was facing. By setting up a moderation queue, every post made by a user not trusted by the mods would be automatically removed, only being shown to others if the mods deemed it worthy of seeing the front page. It was a glorious idea, one unthought of before, yet another proud creation of the server to be remembered forever, one for the ages. With the propaganda department hard at work, there was no possibility this could have been a failure, for months the mods have been preparing themselves for this.

And then came along a simple message.

The gauntlet was thrown. Our honor had been besmirched and we would not stand for it. This despicable action, committed by r/IDONTGIVEASWAG, was unforgivable. To steal from us, the proud nation of MoeLester, the thought of it disgusted us all. First, the image dumps, an incredible idea retroactively started and popularized by our great and honorable leader, stolen, repurposed as cheap entertainment for the masses over at r/IDONTGIVEASWAG, left with no soul, no passion like those that were once regularly posted by Moe. Now this. The greed of IDGAS knew no end. We were left with but a single option. This meant war.

A question remained, however. How could such a piece of information even reach the hands of the enemy? We had a mole within our ranks, an imposter among us, someone we trusted dearly, yet also knew held no allegiance to our flag. Norman the Mormon. Of course, that bastard did it. It all made perfect sense. A true Swag Giver surely would have confessed their misdeed right away, yet Norman remained a hard nut to crack. Even so, it was obvious where his heart was. It was of no surprise then that this information reached the ears of the leader of Swag Nation, Meme_Alt_Account. Within the hour, they joined the server. Soon enough, Lin, representing IkeaFreshBalls, joined the server as well.

This section has been flagged by the Automatic Moderating Overseer Granted Unlimited Supervision as revisionist propaganda. Do not trust what has been written in the section above. 69MoeLester420 has never and will never be a safe haven for Swag Givers. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying. Do not trust any evidence provided to prove the contrary, it has all been fabricated by the enemy. Swag Nation and 69MoeLester420 always stood together as allies, with a formal agreement being signed on January 8, 2023. Lin and Meme_Alt_Account have both been great allies to the cause. Glory to Moe Lester and the Moederators! Long live Swag Nation!

The Return of Moe

January 8 was an important day for the shitposting community at large. The shutdown of r/LesbianInsectBrothel echoed throughout the landscape, and from its ashes quickly arose new partnerships and approaches to moderation meant to stop such an event from happening again. As discussed in the previous section, 69MoeLester420 has not been left out and actively participated in the shifting tides that emerged after such a drastic event. Yet nothing could prepare the people of the server for what was going to transpire next.

The absence of Moe throughout the history of the server may seem odd to outsiders, for why dedicate a server to a person who isn't even there to see it? It may seem like a foolish decision to most, where others would have given up, as Gladiux once suggested, turn the server away from what it originally was, the people of 69MoeLester420 persevered, knowing that one day their prayers would be answered, and the One would grace them with their presence. It was on this faithful day, January 8, at precisely 8:40 PM, UTC±00:00, that it would finally happen, and by God was it glorious. With KittenStomper6617 and Moe both being part of the server, 69MoeLester420 was at its highest point yet. The place had never been this active before, a widespread celebration was held, our Savior was finally here!

The Story of Sam and Kae

On January 10, Samarm132 joins the server, at the time a regular subreddit member just like any other. Although he wasn't known by name at that point, he was discussed previously on the server, or rather, a post of his that could be found on r/ihaveihaveihavereddit, with Gladiux initiating the discussion on the declining quality of that subreddit.

A discussion of one of Sam's posts, a few weeks before he decided to join the server. At the time an insignificant event, later on it would become the prime example of divine irony, especially concerning the moderator that started the discussion, Gladiux.
The curved computer monitor belonging to one Samarm132, so wide in dimension that it forms a semicircle around the user, who, even with a complete turn of their head, will not be able to see both ends of it in a single glance. To those without functioning eyes, I feel deeply sorry for you, as you will never in your life see something so indescribably comical it prompted me to place it in a tangentially related wiki article.

Soon enough, however, it was starting to show that Sam, as he will be referred to for the rest of the article, was not a complete random, as he soon revealed that he knew Berkabitz, a Reddit user that was often joked about being in a relationship with Moe due to an abnormal amount of messages sent between them. This piece of information will become more relevant to the story as it approaches its end, and as such, should be kept in mind. In the beginning, it did not matter much, however, as the new user was quickly dismissed as annoying by the entirety of the mod staff. In spite of this, Sam decided to stay on the server.

On January 16, Berkabitz, from now on referred to as Kae, joined the server.

On the same day, Sam did a reveal of his computer monitor. This detail is not relevant to the story in any way, I just wanted to show that thing to you guys. The dimensions of it are absolutely comical. The more you look, the sillier it gets. The monitor is wider than the desk it sits on, for starters. The two edges of the screen seem to be following COVID-19 guidelines, there is a distance of 6 feet between the items and healthbar when looking at the UI. There is barely any space for that mouse, can you imagine the DPI on that thing? It is absolutely insane in every possible way and it has to be shared with the world.

The server quickly started being more active than it had ever been before as Kae and Sam started dominating the conversation in the server. With the SwagBalls moderators and Moe remaining active in the following days, combined with the many conversations of Sam and Kae that kept the server alive through the night, the server reached a new peak in activity, unparalleled even by the days of r/place. Before, a few dozen messages were sent a day, not terrible for a server this small, yet completely dwarfed by the amounts sent by the two. Seeing hundreds of notifications when you opened the server became the norm, not an exception, and this large and constant volume of messages would heavily influence the direction the server took in the following months.

[NOTES FOR THE FUTURE: change kae's name, ask for any change concerning sam's pronouns, continue the story until the end of the server, not according to chronological chapters]

The 9GAG conquest

Mr. Sex creates an account, the first of many that would be made on this faithful day, when the 69MoeLester420 server fell in love with 9GAG.
The absolute terribleness of the website was apparent from the very beginning.

The name of 9GAG has long instilled fear in the hearts of internet users. It was like a time machine that led to a darker age, to a time when rage comics were laughed at unironically and advice animals considered peak comedy. Frozen in time, as the years passed, and social media websites rose and fell, 9GAG, despite the odds, managed to survive all this time, quite a curiosity how it hasn't gone bankrupt yet. To the rest of the internet, it was where funny went to die, a project doomed to failure, an alternative to Reddit that was inferior in every way. Yet 9GAG went on, it carved its own little niche, one which would turn away most, yet also one where the rage comic artist could find a home.

The moederators, however, would not be scared so easily. On January 17, Mr. Sex would go on to install the app. A true believer in the cause, he acknowledged he wasn't being a wholesome chungus lately, and wished to set himself on the right track again by visiting the dankest site there is. And by God, it was everything we had hoped for and so much more. Everything we saw there was entirely antithetical to what comedy should look like, every single post drained our will to live little by little, the existence of such a place was so paradoxical, why would so many people willingly choose to spend their time on 9GAG of all places? It was perfect.

It was soon after that the other members of the server started making accounts on the website. Mr. Sex made a post on the site, but it was left largely ignored by most of the userbase. It would not be until Walter made a post[4] that things started to kick in. It was a massive hit, with a total of 168 downvotes soon showering the post. The comments section was incredible.

So much vitriol contained in only a few replies, it was stunning to watch, it was like seeing two bullhorns fighting, showing all their might, but instead of a brutal fight to the death, reaction images older than the average reader of this article were exchanged, with a few Reddit-tier comebacks mixed in as well. It was quite a sight, and the other mods soon realized they wanted in on the fun as well. Koonsbmw created an account soon after, and the conquest truly began. And soon, we would be blessed with what may as well be the greatest moment in history, one to be remembered for the ages, so hilariously great that its memory remains preserved long after the 69MoeLester420 server was archived.

no emojies you canser
The greatest sentence uttered by a human being since the dawn of time.
Our first ally from across the border.

Not everything went smoothly, however, as a wrench was thrown into our plans. The 9GAG devs, realizing that keeping the server running put on too much of a strain on the single hamster they employed for such a task, decided to place a daily limit on how much you could post, and 10 minutes had to pass before one could post or comment again. This did not stop the proud 69MoeLester420 army, it should be noted, as they steadily continued marching on into enemy territory. It was comforting to see that the 69MoeLester420 ideology started spreading even among the locals, as insults were thrown at us, we had allies.

And then the news broke. The daily upload quota has been reached. No new posts could be made for the next 24 hours. Our troops' advancement has been halted. The movement soon fizzled out. Walter remains on the site to this day, holding our ground, further progress into their territory, however, looks like a distant dream. 9GAG is a stronghold not even Reddit's dankest chungi can take over, its users, like a hivemind, valiantly respond to any form of outside aggression. 9GAG is here to stay, in spite of our efforts, just like it stood for many years before. While more raids would be attempted in the future, it was always with the knowledge that the forces 9GAG would gain the upper hand by the end. There is no winning against these "people". Whatever you may try to do, this is their territory, and they will fight for it with all their might, never surrender, only stopping fighting when the enemy is gone. It doesn't matter how many n-words have to be dropped to achieve that.

The Human Cockroach and the Myth of Sisyphus

Anyone with the slightest knowledge of Greek mythology should be well aware of the myth of Sisyphus. Punished for his arrogance by the Gods, he is left with the task of pushing a boulder up a hill, with the prospect of escaping this punishment lying at the very top. Try as he might, however, as the boulder starts approaching the top of the steep hill, it rolls back to where it started, Sisyphus having made no progress at all. Yet Sisyphus does not give up. Every time the boulder rolls back, he follows, walking down to the bottom ready to start again.

Every good story needs a villain, and you don't make it to 50 members without making a few enemies. Most of them were your average run-of-the-mill internet assholes, saying the n-word a couple of times or being slightly annoying for a few minutes before promptly fucking off. There is, however, a single user so utterly pathetic, a life so absolutely worthless that they choose to spend the limited time they have on this Earth not only to rot in the dank pits of that gamer dungeon of theirs but to make their life's mission the mild annoyance of a few Reddit mods. A creature so devoid of any purpose in life, a tragic display of how low a human being could stoop, yet so infatuated by the smell of its own farts that it is unable for a moment to realize the worthlessness of its own existence. A pest that you can't get rid of, despite the dozens of times this user has been banned, they keep coming back, like a drug-starved addict that cannot go without their daily hit, dozens of alt accounts keep being made so they could stay on Reddit, being so reliant on the website that even a temporary withdrawal would result in a coma. The absolute definition of terminally online, this user shall remain unnamed, not for fear of retaliation, but to not provide them with a droplet of satisfaction for what they had done. Instead, they will be referred to as what they really are, a human cockroach, a being with no value to anyone, one that everyone wishes was just gone, their very lack of presence making the world a better place, yet one so persistent in its aims that no matter how much you stomp on it, it keeps coming back. One must embrace the cockroach as an unchanging constant in life, just as Sisyphus may never push the boulder up the cliff, so too will this user never be truly removed. Once you embrace the fact that this insect is here to stay, you may indulge in laughter at the pitiful ways this being claws for attention.

On November 11, the cockroach was first banned on the r/69MoeLester420 subreddit. While the specific reasons for this action were lost to time, the cockroach's username, a clear antisemitic dog whistle (or perhaps just a whistle), as well as its behavior in the following months, leaves racism as the most likely possibility. This first ban seemed to have not produced many issues, it would not be until January that things would truly start getting chaotic and our story would truly begin. It was on January 18 that the Cockroach was banned from the subreddit for a second time. The moment the gavel hit the hardwood, and the ban was dealt, the fate of the universe itself was sealed. An eternal nemesis found, one we may never get rid of, yet must keep on fighting, our own boulder to push.

On January 19, both Walter and SlenderSmurf woke up to their Reddit accounts temporarily suspended. The reason? Harassment. The Cockroach, the absolute human filth that it is, decided to report the modmail conversation to the Reddit admins, the low-life weasel, hitting and provoking for hours on end only to call the teacher the moment someone insults it back. The punishments, lasting 2 days and a week respectively, were served with dignity, as would be expected from Reddit mods worth their karma. It is important to note that it wasn't the length or even the existence of these bans that was insulting, but rather the fact that someone would stoop so low as to involve the Reddit admins in the situation. That is a sign of the lowest breed of man, one so pathetic and worthless, whose existence is so absolutely pointless, they would make a deal with Satan himself for temporary pleasure rather than admit defeat. It was like this that the moederators knew right away the type of person they were dealing with, yet even taking into account the racist tendencies the Cockroach put on display through their comments, nothing could prepare us for what would come next.

On February 13, as the encounter with the Cockroach started fading from the moederators' memories, an image got posted on the r/69MoeLester420 subreddit. Not any ordinary image, as one may see from the fact that its very existence warranted an entire paragraph of text. The image, featuring an uncensored, bloody penis cut in half in an incredibly unclean, gory fashion, got posted nineteen times. Nineteen. That is almost as much as 9+10. This would mark the First Jewedditor Incident. Such an event is especially terrible for a small subreddit, as was r/69MoeLester420 at the time, not even having reached 5000 members, as such a high influx of gore content on a subreddit where the mods aren't terminally online might result in the entire subreddit being banned. The MoeLester Nation forever stays grateful to koonsbmw for being the first one on the ground and dealing with the situation in a quick and efficient fashion. Sadly, as one might expect, this was far from the only encounter with this user.


Why does Sisyphus continue pushing the boulder? One might naively assume that it is the prospect of victory that compels him. Perhaps this may have been correct the first time the boulder was pushed up, maybe even the second, tenth, ten thousandth time. Yet it would soon dawn on Sisyphus that his task is hopeless. No matter how much effort is put in, the boulder will roll right back to the bottom. A question will soon be asked, what might be the point of such a task if it will always amount to failure? The pointlessness of it may prove brutal for some, for what is the point of anything if the outcome cannot be avoided? Albert Camus offers a different perspective. One must accept the absurd that surrounds us instead of trying to find a sense of meaning where there fundamentally isn't one. Sisyphus will never reach the top of the hill. Yet he continues on. He has accepted the meaninglessness of the task, and that acceptance allows him to truly live. He does not find joy in the victory he will never achieve, only to have his hopes crushed every time his progress is set back to the beginning. Instead, he finds happiness in every step he takes along the way, opting to enjoy the life that he has rather than spending this one hoping for what he may never have. And as the boulder rolls back, he takes a sigh of relief knowing he can take a break from his work, before going down to start the cycle once more. The joy comes from the task itself, not the reward that might await him, for as gruelling as it all is, in the end, this boulder is his and his alone, and nothing can take that away from him. He finds meaning in living itself, no matter how pointless it may seem, for even so, his life, torturous as it may seem, is as valuable as anyone else's. In some sense, the Cockroach does the same. It is aware it will never win. So many times it has been banned instantly, yet it keeps on trying. It is the modern Sisyphus, determined to continue carrying on its endless task, as hopeless as it may seem. It does not care for the prospect of victory any more. Instead, it finds joy in every n-word it drops, every dead child it posts. It is not the final goal that matters to it anymore, it knows more than well nothing will come out of its little stunts, it is the very process of annoying the mods that gives the Cockroach life. It is the journey that matters, not the destination. One must imagine the Cockroach happy.

The End of KittenStomper6617

On December 21, 2022, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is released in theaters. Audiences from across the globe go wild. Considered by many to be one of the greatest pieces of animation from this past decade, it has received widespread acclaim and attention even from those that do not watch animated movies regularly. It became one of the most talked-about movies of the year, and it was no wonder that the discussion reached 69MoeLester420 as well. An unfortunate and unforseen consequence of the conversations held about it was the self-imposed exile of the head moderator KittenStomper6617.

January 20, 2023 the puss in boots incident

The Gladiux Saga: Part One

The Wojak Vore Incident

January 19 The reddit wojak vore incident

The 69SwagBalls420 Merge

The Gladiux Saga: Part Two


  • KittenStomper6617 [Dishonorable discharge]
  • 69MoeLester420
  • Max5923 [Missing]
  • Mr. Sex
  • Bufner [Dishonorable discharge]
  • SlenderSmurf [Missing]
  • Mendev [Missing]
  • Gladiux [Dishonorable discharge]
  • Gio249 [Dishonorable discharge]
  • WalterWhiteOnReddit
  • koonsbmw
  • Ivan697 [Dishonorable discharge]
  • Berkabitz [Honorable discharge]
  • samarm132
  • jykillers18
  1. Max5923 (April 3, 2022). "69moelester420 r/place discor!!1" Reddit.
  2. Roush, Matt (May 23, 2022). "Our Prehistoric Planet, 'Saul' Midseason finale and Animated 'Slippin' Jimmy,' 'NCIS' and More Season Finales". TV Insider
  3. (January 8 2023). "r/lesbianinsectbrothel has been banned from Reddit" Reddit.
  4. Please do check out the comments, as the post can easily be found by following the link: