Gondal: From The Ashes: Difference between revisions

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Everr (talk | contribs)
slowly but surely
Everr (talk | contribs)
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8chanhacker07.png|Censored for privacy reasons.
8chanhacker07.png|Censored for privacy reasons.
...that yes, the "hacker" was about 41 minutes away from Patryk's house, he started to freak out more...
...that yes, the "hacker" was about 41 minutes away from Patryk's house, he started to freak out
...then the hacker joined The Autism Party server and the Red Cup Conspiracy server, Patryk banned the "hacker" out of The Autism Party server right away, but...
8chanhacker11.png|again, censored!
...the "hacker" was about 10 minutes from Patryk's home, but suddenly, Patryk phoned his mom to come back home immediantly for her to protect him from the "hacker", and then... he. fucking. ''HAD IT!!!'', he started to slowly breakdown and cry while recording ''another'' voice message... (DISCLAIMER: This is kinda hard to listen to, unless if you are comfortable of actual autistic people crying)
...eventually, kebab managed to ban the "hacker"
...but this was only a short term victory, as just a few seconds later, KEBAB WAS HACKED!!!
and what gets worse, is that he hacked Dingus
...but eventually, eventually, EVENTUALLY... Heckknok found out who the "hacker" was... It was none other than Stndpzng himself!!! Yes, the pissing buffoon himself, he decided to scare Patryk, just to boost his trolling game... Heckknok told Patryk in DMs...
8chanhacker17.png|Connor is Heckknok's real name, just so you know.
...Heckknok banned stndpzng from G:FTA, and that concludes ''Stndpzng: The 8chan Hacker'', let this be a importent message to you boys and girls out there... is NEVER share your home address on the internet, because God knows what would happen to you next. It's just not worth it.