Modern History of Germ Republic

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in 1604 the great emperor of dutcy jesus was collapsed by the rebels. at that time the slavs wanted to get their country back so they got the flag and they named it: Holy Slekov Empire. 1604-1710 AD

the flag of the first slavs of the countrys home


In 1710 the great guy named strakov yelpik went to the goverment house and collapsed the Holy Slekov Empire and added the tsar and the guns and the modern and people liked him and joined and the country was changed into the tsar emperor called: Slavic Empire. 1710-1920. in 1735 they were reconized by 15 countries: Valgan Kingdom, White Kingdom, Kingdom of Porch, Kingdom of hollarkev, Republic of santainav, Republic of Motokov, Luuger Kingdom, Dutchy of Milossa, Republic of Repikov, Eedikov Republic, Vikings of Viköng, Franklein Kingdom, Bukerment Kingdom, Purk Republic and Mountains of Sleenikova. In 1740-60 Slavic Empire got more terretories of few countries who reconized and wanted to be united into slavs and neibghors. in 1760-1800 the Slavic Empire turned one of the most golden country in eastern terretories and lies to the most golden times ever. in 1811 all empires and Kingdoms started invading with muskets to war against the Franklein Kingdom for the collapse and Slavic Empire joined the war and fought against the Central of the country called: Franklein Kingdom but the war ended 1812 and Franklein Kingdom got its most and few lands. in 1850 Slavic Empire conquered the entire small condinent called: The Sharp land. in 1850-1870 the Slavic Empires budget of money was over 100,000,000 gold and 900 TRILLION RUBLYV 1870-1900 Slavic Empire Invaded the most white stuff in the most Western terretories and lies to the emperor called: White Kingdom and lost its terretories but it got back on sometimes. in 1909 the Bukerment Kingdom was collapsed and all collapsed terretories were now lies to the Slavic Empire. however... one small country didnt make it and the Slavic Empire hated it and started invading it to death. the country was called: Kingdom of Porch. (yeah i will talk about it in other wiki how porch was occupied by bukerment) and the war was just only 3 years. in 1910-1912 Slavic Empire started invading with real rifles against the Kingdom of Porch. however the porches failed and the slavs have won the war. by that time in 1914-1918 WORLD WAR EASTERN-WESTERN-CENTRAL 1 was broke out and the Slavs joined the TSAR-KAISER POWER others were ENGLISH-ALLIES POWER. in 1914-1916 the slavs took over entire white army and pushed against the valgan army. in 1916-1918 slavs have arrived to the capital city of Valgan called: VALLEY. their goal was to shoot the King and the Queen and the General of military but it didnt work as the time was passed and it was too late to take over VALLEY so... ENGLISH-ALLIES POWER have won the war and the eastern has changed a lot. by that time in 1918-1920 the civil war was started in the Slavic Empire started in: The Sharp Land. ended to the nearest capital city of Slavic Empire called: TSARINGRAD. however the slavs failed and the king and the queen of the Slavic Empire was executed and the revolution of the golden eastern tsar country was down called: Slavic Empire and the memories comes to an great history of the Slavic Empire 1710-1920.

the great slavs for the country of golden and the most popular eastern terretories the country was called of the tsar of the Slavic Empire

in 1920-1922 while the Slavic Empire was collapsed the new country was born. it was Germ Republic and it was fulll of nationalist slavs. a short times tho.but by that time the communist came in 1920s in the Germ Republic. the civil was was ended in 10 months in 1923 in Germ Republic and the politics changed into the communist...............

the official flag that was used for the modern times again but the eagle was gone

When the civila war ended the communist have won the war. now the name of the communist country was called GSSR (Germaanie Soviet Socialist Republic) existed in: 1923-1999 but it collapsed also the soldiers in 2000. anyways back to the history: in 1923-1930 they occupied entire 50% of the eastern terretories wich means: ,,bring back the Tsar times!,, and became popular in the eastern terretories and it was golden communist again. in 1930-1935 they occupied the eastern central countries with over 25% of the terretory. in 1935-1938 the GSSR military personel was hitted to 30 MILLION. however the worst times ever has started.... in 1939-1945 WORLD WAR EASTERN-WESTERN-CENTRAL 2 was broke out. by that time in 1939-1941 they were allies with FASCIST-VALGAN POWER and created NICOLE-CZEKOV PACT for the occupying north eastern countries division and conquer. however the GSSR was doing badly and the valgans were realizing it and reported to the Valgan Goverment..... in 1942-1945 FASCIST-VALGAN POWER countries started invading GSSR and both of the countries were fought in 4 years. in 1943-1944 they reached POLKOVGRAD (changed into TSARINGRAD) and killed at least 100 million GSSR civilians however their goal was to take over again and never step backwards.... in 1944 GSSR pushed really foward and no one could stop the motherland. when they created NUCLEAR BOMBS with United States of Jersey and GSSR nuked the capital city of Valgan of: VALLEY. while nuked they pushed foward eastern to central to the Valley. in 1945 they occupied Valgan and turned into communist country called VSSR and the war ended and the allies have won. in 1945-1946 they changed the central and the flag.

The first communist flag of GSSR was just 3 stars but later on it changed to 5 stars

during the times in 1945-1946 in 2 years. Valgan changed into VSSR and it was under control by GSSR. so in VSSR history was lot deadlier than other historical times... anyways in 1946-1949 the cold war started between the communist countries and the Capitalist countries. in the 1950s GSSR builded the wall to avoid western countries and VSSR was turning into independence to a communist country called: VALGENTER and it was neibghors with GSSR and Franklein Kingdom. in the 1960s the GSSR budget was going up to: 100 TRILLION and 900 gold (idk where did they get gold from). however in the 1970s things started into the 1970-75 VALGENTER and its communist allies and GSSR went to war against the maleesa Republic wich it was indepentence in white and the communist but they are fighting back. in 1973-1974 the GSSR made the western country into communist called: WHITER PEOPLES REPUBLIC (White Kingdom) and they also went to war against the maleesa Republic from the west. in 1975-1980 (communist maleesa troops were found or killed of the last ones in 1983) was occupied by the communist and turned into the communist country called: MALDAGHIR PEOPLES REPUBLIC. in 1975-1976 GSSR made the condinent of: The Sharp Land into communist country called: MUGOSLAVIA but it was nuked or bombed 35 times and Mugoslavia was gone and surrended by the capitalists in 1975-1980. during the 1980s it was peaceful and war at the same time however in the 1990s is more worse than 1980s. anyways in 1985-1986 the MALDAGHIR PEOPLES REPUBLIC was collapsed and Maleesa Republic came back into an independence back meanwhile Mugoslavia was collapsed into peices. in 1989 GSSR created COMMUNIST NAVY SEALS to protect and avoid the capitalist sea. meanwhile WHITER PEOPLES REPUBLIC was collapsed and turned into Kingdom of White again. now in the 1990s. in 1990-1996 VALGENTER was having a civil war however they failed and Kingdom of Valgan came back. however now things are starting to a war... in 1996-1999 entire central and western countries declared war against the GSSR and GSSR was nuked 45 times and was invaded at the same time until they reached to POLKOVGRAD and the communist golden eastern slavic country called: GSSR was finally collapsed by capitalist countries. in 1999-2000 the GSSR troops were found everywhere. most of them sent to home but the rest of them were killed. from now on the eastern terretories and the communist has collapsed and changed....

now the flag turned into 5 stars for the communist and united of the new flag of GSSR

This in the current century of the flag and country. during the communist times and compare to current times. this the name of the country that is a tree country and most popular most nature in eastern. the country name is Republic of Germ and the capital city of Germ is: VOLDOGRAD (POLKOVGRAD) in the current times they also reconize FRN also and other diginal or micro nation countrys. this country is still alive for 2000-present. the budget is now 100 BILLION CASH. 40 million population and 3 million personal. howevere theres a chance that this could be empire coming back in the future but we dont know. anyways thanks for reading!

in the 21st century the flag has no eagle because the politics has changed.